the revamp

What started off as East Willow Grove back in 2013 has changed over the years. I rebranded what feels like a million times because I kept having impostor syndrome, only to be consumed with what font I wanted to use and then never finish a blog post. The same went for my YouTube and slowly I started losing my spark and creative joy.

I left EWG and went to just using my name as I wanted to be seen as myself and thought maybe that would help get me out of a creative funk but the last few years have been busy and exhausting and I’ve thrown myself in so many directions I need to regroup.

I’ve revamped this space over the last 10 years years; from bright colors and blurry digital photos to the safety of a dull beige, trying to blend in with other blogs I idealized. I’ve discovered a little bit more about what makes a website a home: It needs to reflect its people. If I’m successful at that, then you’ll find a mix of things here—from travel and parenting to videography and style. From special needs and mental health to friendships and hobbies. A good old mix of all the things because I don’t do niche around here!

As our family grows, social media changes, our interests and responsibilities change with time too. When transferring this space over to its updated version, I had to go through each blog post one by one to move. There have been some questionable posts that I was re-reading and made me wonder what the hell were you thinking writing that Chelsea! So naturally, they didn’t make the cut to this new space, no loss on your end, promise. I dramatically cut down the posts I transferred over here by 90%! I didn’t think my wet n wild foundation review from 2014 needed to come along for the ride, even if the SEO was kickin. The posts I kept are special, they mean something, share a place we’ve traveled to, they are the ones that made sense to transfer, even if the photos are old and blurry.

I want this space to be a catch all if you may. A place where I can write, and hopefully use spell check, IYKYK. A place to keep all my favorite things I mention like skin care or beauty faves. And a place to share information on how you can travel with your family, because after everything is said and done, I truly believe that travel changes you.

Are blogs dead you ask? I sure hope not because I spent far too much time doing all this myself to avoid paying for help! Come on in and look around, check out my favorites page, learn something from my about me page or watch a travel video and hang out if you want!



7 days in austin with kids


Camping at silverlake Sand Dunes